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About SoloCanoes.com
Welcome to SoloCanoes.com.
SoloCanoes.com is being developed as a guide to everything specific to solo canoeing on the web in North America. The site launched publicly this March (2021).
While searching for information on solo canoes, I found I had to sift through tons of information on kayaks and stand up paddle boards (SUPs) to find any information on solo canoes and Adirondack pack boats. While many of the large paddling sites have information on solo canoes, more and more of their content pertains to kayaks and SUPs.
This site will focus on solo canoes, pack boats, and gear used for recreational canoe paddling and tripping. While the content and sites you find listed here may contain kayak and SUP information,
they should also include information on solo canoeing or information that pertains to solo canoes, Adirondack style pack boats, tripping, freestyle paddling, canoe camping, etc.. If it's a site that is just kayak/SUP related, it will not be listed.
If you manufacture or sell solo canoes, pack boats, paddles, or related gear or have a website, blog, photos, stories, or other information directly relating to solo canoeing you would like to share with the solo canoe world,
feel free to send it to me. All requests will be reviewed for related content and if approved, will be added to the listings here in an appropriate category. There is no charge for a listing to your companies web site.
Thank you for stopping by and happy paddling,
Steve Johnson
The fine print:
The content offered here is subject to change without notice and we are not responsible for any mistakes or errors found in the linked pages or the content or information offered
on this web site. Any content including stories, articles, information, links, photos, videos, etc. provided to us will not be used, redistributed, or sold beyond this website and is for use on this website (SoloCanoes.com) only.
SoloCanoes.com will not be responsible for others taking and using content that appears here. Original graphics, photos, and content posted here may not be used without permission. All brand names and logos are trademarks of their respective companies.
By sending information, links, stories, photos, videos, etc. for inclusion, you state that you are the owner/creator
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may be removed for any reason at any time at the discretion of SoloCanoes.com. You also agree that any content submitted to us and used here may only be removed with the approval of SoloCanoes.com.
- If you don't want people to see it, don't send it. -
- If you do want people to see it, send it.